Wednesday, May 12, 2010



A computer crime is defined as any criminal activity that is related to the use of computers. These activities include computer fraud, copyright infringement, computer theft and computer attack.


Computer fraud is defined as having an intention to take advantage over or causing loss to other people, mainly on monetary basis through the use of computers.


Copyright infringement is defined as a violation of the rights secured by a copyright. Copyright infringement involves illegal copy or reproduction of copyrights material by the black market group. The open commercial sale of pirated item is also illegal.


Computer theft is defined as the unauthorized use of another person’s property with the intention to deny the owner the rightful possession of that property or its use.
Examples of computer theft include:
  • transfer of payments to the wrong accounts
  • tap into data transmission lines on database at no cost
  • divert goods to the wrong destination

Computer attack may be defined as any activities taken to disrupt the equipment of computer systems, change processing control or corrupt stored data.
Computer attack can be in the forms of:
  • physical attack that disrupt the computer facility or its transmission lines.
  • an electronic attack that uses the power of electromagnetic energy to overload computer circuitry.
  • a computer network attack that uses a malicious code to exploit a weakness in software, or in the computer security practices of a computer user



Refers to any laws relating to protecting the Internet and any other online communication technologies.

The Cyber Law Acts in Malaysia
  • Digital Signature Act 1997
  • Computer Crime Act 1997
  • Telemedicine Act 1997
  • Communications and Multimedia Act 1997
Digital Signature Act 1997

The Digital Signature Act 1997 secures electronic communications especially on the Internet. Digital Signature is an identity verification standard that uses encryption techniques to protect against e-mail forgery. The encrypted code consists of the user’s name and a hash of all the parts of the message.

Computer Crime Act 1997

The Computer Crimes Act 1997 gives protection against the misuses of computers and computer criminal activities such as unauthorized use of programs, illegal transmission of data or messages over computers and hacking and cracking of computer systems and networks.

By implementing the Computer Crimes Act 1997, users can protect their rights to privacy and build trust in the computer system. At the same time, the government can have control at a certain level over cyberspace to reduce cyber crime activities.

Telemedicine Act 1997

The Telemedicine Act 1997 ensures that only qualified medical practitioners can practice telemedicine and that their patient's rights and interests are protected. These act provides the future development and delivery of health care in Malaysia.

Communications and Multimedia Act 1997

The implementation of Communication and Telecommunication Act 1998 ensures that information is secure, the network is reliable and the service is affordable all over Malaysia. This act also ensures high level of user's confidence in the information and communication technology industry.


What is Internet filtering?

It is a process that prevents or blocks access to certain materials on the Internet. Filtering is most commonly used to prevent children from accessing inappropriate material and to keep employees productive on the Internet.

There are 3 most commonly used methods in internet filtering;
  • Keyword blocking
  • Site blocking
  • Web rating system
1. Keyword blocking

This method uses a list of banned words or objectionable terms. As the page is downloading, the filter searches for any of these words. If found, it will block the page completely, stop downloading the page, block the banned words and even shut down the browser.

2. Site blocking
  • software company maintains a list of 'dubious Internet sites'
  • the software prevents access to any sites on this lists
  • 'denial lists' regularly update
  • some software provides control over what categories of information we block
3. Web rating systems

Web sites are rated in terms of nudity, sex, violence and language. The Recreational Software Advisory Council (RSACI) is responsible for the rating of the websites on the content on the Internet.
  • ratings done either by the web page author or by the independent bureau.
  • browsers set to only accept pages with certain levels of ratings.